Music Collection software for Windows PC

Here’s the good thing about Music Collection; users do not have to manually add music information since the software can tap into the vastness of the web and automatically do the deed. Also, information collected can be printed via a printer, of course. This information can be published in a grid format or even images, a cool addition in our minds. Hey, you can also export the details in HTML file format. We like the ability to search for albums or album tracks via Music Collection by using various criteria available at our disposal. The process can be made easier if folks take advantage of the filter option. In fact, we recommend doing this.

How to use Music Collection:

The file is only 8MB, so nothing much to download unless you’re still stuck on Dial-Up. Furthermore, be mindful because Windows 10 does not trust this software, but despite that, we didn’t find any problems after scanning it with our antivirus software. Once the software has been launched, users will be brought to the main screen and from here, we can see several buttons all over the place. For the noob user, this could be a nightmare waiting to happen. The UI is just there, leaving it up to the user to get it or spend quality time reading through the help menu. Now, while advanced users will have no issues doing this, the same can’t be said for others. It would have been a great deal of help if the buttons had words under them to help us understand what they are for. Luckily, hovering the mouse cursor over the buttons will help with this small problem. The buttons at the top allow for the addition of albums, ejecting the CD tray, backup collections among many other things. On the left side, there should be a pane that shows all the albums that have been added to Music Collection. The settings section can be found in Tools > Program Settings. Here, users can choose where Music Collection receives album covers and data from the web, along with customizing the look and feel of the UI. Overall, Music Collection does an excellent job, but the user interface is lacking. Customizing won’t help, so don’t even think about it. Download Music Collection from the official website for free.