Fix 0x800706b5 Xbox Game Pass error

The following solutions may help you resolve the issue you are experiencing with your Xbox Game Pass. Let’s see all these fixes in detail. Before you proceed, we suggest you restart your computer as sometimes the problem occurs due to a minor glitch. If restarting your device fixes the problem, you will save time in the troubleshooting process.

1] Power Cycle Xbox Console

This solution is for the users who are receiving this error on their Xbox Console. To fix the Xbox Game Pass error 0x800706b5 on Xbox Console, power cycle it. The procedure to power cycle your Xbox Console is explained below: After power cycling your console, the error should get fixed.

2] Clear Xbox console cache

You may clear Xbox Series X and Series S cache and see if that helps.

3] Reset the Xbox app

If the problem is occurring on the Xbox app for Windows 11/10, resetting the Xbox app may fix it. The process to reset the Xbox app is explained below:

The above process will delete the local game data. Therefore, before resetting the Xbox app, make sure that you have synced all your games to the cloud so that there will be no data loss after resetting the Xbox app.

4] Reset your PC

This solution has worked for some users. If the above fixes did not resolve your problem, reset your PC. Before resetting your PC, Windows will show you two options, Keep my files and Remove everything. If you select the first option, your files will not be deleted during the process. The second option will erase everything from your Windows C drive or from all the drives. Before deleting the data, Windows will ask you if you want to delete the data from other drives too. Though the “Keep my files” option does not delete your data, we recommend you backup your data on an external hard drive before resetting your PC. Read: Fix Xbox One error code 0x80a40008 when you try to sign in to Xbox profile.

How do I fix my Xbox game Pass not working?

If the Xbox Game Pass is not working, first power cycle your console and then check if the issue persists. Apart from that, removing and adding your user profile to the Xbox console can also help you fix the problem. If the Xbox Game Pass is not working on your Windows 11/10 device, re-register the Xbox app. Note: Error code 0x800706b5 also appears for Printer and Windows Update.

How do I update Xbox to the latest app?

You can update the Xbox app to the latest version from the Microsoft Store. The steps are as follows: As you click on the Get Update button, the Store will show you which apps require updates. If an update is available for the Xbox app, install it. If you click on the Update all link, the Store will update all the apps. Hope this helps. Read next: Error 0x87e00013 when updating or launching Xbox games.

Fix 0x800706b5 Xbox Game Pass error - 38Fix 0x800706b5 Xbox Game Pass error - 9